Paintings inspired by the myth of Persephone

Mythology calls out to Anne-Sophie because it contains many intemporal questions while leaving a huge freedom to imagination to find personal and contemporary pictures.

If you wish to buy one of those works:

You can also rent these works via the gallery The Art Cycle.
Transfert, acrylic and oil on canvas,
20*20 cm, 145€
Transfert, acrylic and oil on canvas,
22*16 cm, 145€ Sold
Transfert, acrylic and oil on canvas,
30*30 cm, 270€
Transfert, acrylic and oil on canvas,
120*60 cm, 1750€
Demeter wanders everywhere to find her daughter.
Transfert, acrylic and oil on canvas,
92*73 cm, 1350€
Hades is kidnapping Persephone, strange resonance in the #metoo period.
Transfert, acrylic and oil on canvas,
75*35 cm, 550€
Demeter realises that her daughter has disappeared.
Transfert, acrylic and oil on canvas,
33*41 cm, 340€
Transfert, acrylic and oil on canvas,
46*38 cm, 400€
Transfert, acrylic and oil on canvas,
92*73 cm, 1350€
Persephone and her friends are picking flowers under Hades' concupiscent eye.
Transfert, acrylic and oil on cardboard,
20*20 cm, 145€ Sold